Monday, May 4, 2009

What causes Acne ?

No one really knows why acne occurs. However, we do know that acne is more common in families with a history of the skin disorder. If you have a parent or sibling with acne, then chances are that you are also likely to develop acne. The actual gene that causes acne has not been identified. Further, even if there is a history of acne in the family, not all siblings develop the skin disorder.

Other factors linked to acne include:

Stress of any type has been linked to acne. Both physical and mental stress can worsen acne. One should note that stress is not a cause of acne

There are hundreds of creams, lotions, and oils that people use to apply on their skin. Many of these synthetic products contain a large variety of chemicals that can irritate skin. For individuals with acne, one should avoid use of such fragrances and oil based products

The role of foods in acne is puzzling. Some experts claim that foods do not cause acne but numerous testimonials indicate that certain foods can at least worsen acne. Foods, which have been known to trigger acne, include chocolate and certain spices. Individuals who notice flare-ups of acne from such foods should avoid them.

For some unknown reason, pregnancy also worsens acne. This is believed to be due to high levels of testosterone and fat in the body.

Individuals who are constantly applying topical steroids on their skin are also prone to more skin irritation and acne.

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