Friday, May 22, 2009

Blue light and Acne: part 2

The results?

As always doctors claimed that acne quickly cleared up, oil production was decreased, and everyone was happy. Further, doctors claimed there was a dramatic improvement in skin texture. The results were infinitely better than the blue or red light alone. These researchers claim that red and blue light get absorbed better in oil glands once the photosensitzer is applied and light therapy targets the acne lesions. Not mentioned was the severity of pain when intense light therapy is administered- rest assured it hurts like hell. No mention was made if the doctors were paid consultants
by the light therapy companies.

So what should the consumer do?

A word of warning- newer medical treatments are always hyped up and lots of false promises are made. This is especially true when it comes to treatment of acne. Therefore, the best advice is not to rush. Wait and see what happens. Read testimonials and ask questions. Remember, cost of this therapy is not going to come cheap. Cosmeticians and skin doctors are not into this profession just to rid of acne, but make money. If there is no acne, there is no money to be made.

So for the moment, continue washing your face, stop mucking around with your pimples, discontinue the habit of using a new type of treatment every week and never rush to get the latest acne therapy.

If your acne is excessive, use a retinoid. If your acne is mild, use home remedies and if you have only one zit, keep away from doctors- chances are they will make your face worse.

Blue light therapy and Acne- a newer version?

If a therapy was great for acne, then one would leave it alone, market it and make a lot of money- right? Well, in my last article I wrote that intense blue light was as good as garbage. Despite claims by physicians that it works, less than 5% of individuals ever see any benefit. Even individuals who responds to blue light soon develops acne recurrence. Therefore, spending a fortune on blue light therapy is at best considered a waste of money.

Anyway, now blue light therapy for treatment of acne has been modified. At the recent meeting in San Francisco, the skin doctors got together and discussed all the new therapies for acne. The latest is combining intense blue light with a photo sensitizer. A photo sensitizer is simply a chemical that has the ability to attract light. For example if you have a small skin lesion, you apply the photo sensitizer on skin followed by light. The photo sensitizer will attract light only to the painted area and the skin lesion will be destroyed by intense localized heat. Photo sensitizers have been used to destroy various cancers- the results are not always great or reproducible.

In this study, researchers combined blue and red light to treat acne. Only 10 patients with mild to severe acne were followed. The photo sensitizer used was amino levulinic acid (ALA). This chemical was painted on acne lesions one hour prior to light therapy. Then a numbing cream was applied and both red and blue light were used to zap the acne lesion.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Acne Facials: part 3

So how do acne facials work?

To control oils on face, the therapist may use some type of chemical peel like salicylic or azelaic acid. Hot steam therapy opens up pores and allows for easy extractions of blackheads and comedomes. This is then followed by a cosmetic mask to help dry up the oils. The mask as always is nothing simple- it is always made up of exotic and naturally occurring substance like clay, sulfur, extracts of tea or seaweed. Once the mask is completed, an oil free moisturizer is applied on the skin to help prevent dryness

How often should one undergo acne facials?

As always when there is money to be made, many sessions are required. The therapists claim that one needs an acne facial every 6-8 weeks to look great.

Is there anything one can be done at home?

Most therapists also recommended that one practice face cleaning at home with an acne cleanser such as benzyl peroxide. Please consumers do not buy acne facial kits for home use. They do absolutely nothing, are expensive and a waste of time. It is like giving your hard-earned money to Mr. Bernie Madoff.

What are results like?

You have to be realistic in expectations. Results of acne facial are quite variable and depend on severity of your acne and when treatment is sought. There are many types of acne facials and one should try out a few to select the best one that works. This usually means that nothing ever works.

What is cost?

In general, acne facials are not cheap. The basic treatment can cost $50. Depending on what the therapist does and how much mucking around is done, it can easily cost anywhere from $150-$1,000. Acne facials with physicians are even more expensive because you also have to pay to listen to crap.

Final point

Before you enroll for facial acne, get an opinion from a friend, college, or better still talk to an aesthetitician/dermatologist. Everyone is offering acne facials these days. Therapists, Technicians, Filipinos, Thai, Vietnamese, Italians, French, and even unemployed cooks. Acne facials make you feel good, and do make your face look clean for a few hours. As far as acne is concerned, it is rubbish (or should I say crap). People who go for acne facials have money to waste. If you really want your acne to go away, start with cleaning your face at home 2-3 times a day, wash the oils off regularly and keep the face clean. Eat healthy, exercise, do not smoke, and use a retinoid (e.g. accutane). I am not sure if this will completely get rid of your acne, but it will save you from being ripped off by scam artists in the field of cosmetics.

Acne Facials: Part 2

Acne facials

For many years, acne facials were hyped up to as a method to clear up acne scars and blackheads. Before you read more on about acne facials-, it is not a cure for acne and rarely helps the majority of individuals with this skin disorder.

During an acne facial, the therapist simply extracts the black head. By the way, you will get a nice facial steam bath with some aromatic oils and herbs. As always, these exotic herbs and oils will have been obtained from the Amazon rain forests, the Dead Sea or from the gall bladder of the hippopotamus (a bunch of BS).

To be fair to the acne facial treatments, the process does help get rid of excess oil, clean skin and help open up pores. Massage therapy should not be done during acne facials as it can worsen acne.

To make it look fancy and exotic, you will be treated with tender loving care and pay a fortune. You can extract the black head at home with a comedome extractor-, which costs less than $2. Acne facials do nothing for your acne, acne scars or nodular acne. Acne facials are just a gimmick and do nothing really significant.

Mucking around with pimples and squeezing them with instruments only leads to one thing worse than acne- acne scars. So if you have any common sense, forget acne facials.

Acne Facials- another crappy treatment?

For teenagers and young adults, there is no condition that is more agonizing than facial acne. Facial acne can make a mess of one’s personal life. It is an embarrassing skin disorder that often leads to isolation, withdrawal, and depression. Why acne happens in a few individuals and not in others is not really known. In general, acne is more common in men than in women.

Why does acne occur?

Acne occurs when skin pores get plugged with excess oil, debris, or dirt. When pores get blocked, this leads to small pimple formation. Once the bacteria start to grow in the oils, this leads to redness and tender pustules that appear “angry”. Acne sucks- there is nothing nice to say about this skin ailment.

Is there any treatment for facial acne?

The majority of over the counter medications and antibiotics rarely help and may in fact worsen acne in some cases. In many cases, medications cause skin dryness, worsen redness, and make the skin look like crap. Moreover, acne medications do not come cheap. For decades, there were no options for acne sufferers. Now we have acne facials

Thursday, May 14, 2009

South Beach diet and Acne: part 2

This is not the first time a diet has been strongly suggestive of improving acne. Other studies on diets failed to live up to expectations. One has to remember the present study was all based on questionnaires. It was not randomized nor was the assessment of acne blind. All the answers were individually completed by participants. How valid such a study is remains questionable. Future research is on going to independently determine the role of nutrition, weight loss, and exercise in prevention of acne.

So what shoulder consumers with acne do?

The south beach diet has been around for many years and is meant for individuals who want to lose weight. The diet basically involves omitting all carbohydrates from diet – meaning no pizza, chocolates, no sugars, no desserts, not even fruit and definitely no alcohol. While the diet is quite popular, losing weight is not a guarantee. Most testimonials claim that it is hard to get off carbs completely.

There is really no harm in trying out the south beach diet. One does not get the hunger pangs felt with other diets and the diet is nutritionally adequate. Therefore, if you are overweight and have acne, here is your chance to kill two birds with one stone. Even if you only lose your acne- how bad can that be?

Can the South Beach diet prevent Acne?

Acne is an agonizing disorder for young adults and teenagers. Why the darn skin disorder occurs in some individuals and not in others is a puzzle. There are a few theories as to why acne occurs but there are hundreds of treatments for acne- and none is ideal. One area that has been debated for many years is whether acne is related to diet. Can a change in diet reverse acne?

At a recent meeting by skin doctors, there was some hint that perhaps the South beach diet may be beneficial to people who have acne. The south beach diet is essentially a low sugar diet that first originated in Florida. In essence, the south beach diet is unlike any western diet and is free of processed foods, cereal grains, dairy products, refined sugars, and saturated oils. The diet is basically entirely unprocessed fresh fruits (those without sugar), vegetables, lean meat, fish and sea food.

In the study presented at the meeting, people with acne who followed this diet revealed that their skin texture and outlook was much improved. The improvements in skin were observed within 3 months. Further, many individuals on this diet mentioned that they had been able to cut down on conventional acne medications because of skin improvement.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Can acne be cleared with antibiotics? part 2

What topical antibiotics are available?

Types of topical antibiotics used to treat acne include erythromycin, clindamycin, and sulfa drugs. Most people believe that applying a topical antibiotic directly to skin can help cure acne- this is a fallacy. The majority of these topical antibiotics fail to penetrate skin and have no affect on acne. Sure, there are fewer side effects from a gel than a pill, but over time, all antibiotics have one major disadvantage- bacteria that cause acne quickly become resistant to the drug and no longer respond.

Almost all topical antibiotics lead to a skin rash or irritation after prolonged application. Sometimes this reaction is related directly to the antibiotic but often the irritation is to some chemical in the formulation. Topical antibiotics have to be applied 2-3 times a day.

Oral Antibiotics

The most frequently prescribed antibiotics for acne are tetracyclines. While some doctors love to prescribe these antibiotics, these drugs do very little. Part of the problem is that some doctors are clueless and never really follow up patients well. Tetracyclines help less than 1% of individuals with acne. These drugs are only meant to be taken for a short time—a few weeks. The most common tetracycline prescribed for acne includes minocycline and doxycycline.

Cyberspace is full of negative testimonials about these drugs. They are expensive, have side effects and most of all, do jack shit. Today, some doctors have been combining antibiotics with Retinoids, benzyl peroxide and a hodge podge of other creams.

For all consumers, a tetracycline only helps the rare individual with inflamed acne. If your acne has not improved after 2-3 weeks, then you need to change to a doctor who knows a little more about acne and/or will not prescribe you more of these crappy antibiotics.

Final Advice

With a large lucrative acne market and millions of individuals seeking to look young, beautiful and acne free, there are newer products, herbs, spices, mineral, and nutrients being hyped up every single day. The majority of these acne treatments are scams.

Besides antibiotics, now light-based treatments, zinc, and magnesium are also being promoted as superior acne therapies. However, there are no scientific data to back up claims made by individuals who sell or offer these products.

Please consumers do not waste your money on nonsensical products for your acne. If you are going to select a product, then make sure it is a retinoid. As far as everything else is concerned- all you will get is a lot of disappointments, frustration, prolonged acne, and loss of money.

Can acne be cleared with antibiotics?

The first thing most skin care health professionals do for your acne is write you an antibiotic prescription. Many doctors ask no questions, never look at the face, and kick you out of their office in a few minutes (a quick $ 75-$100 consult). There are more antibiotic prescriptions written for acne than the common cold. Antibiotics were one of the first medications used to treat acne. Both oral and topical antibiotics have been used for more than 50 years to treat acne and one would think that after all this time, skin doctors would know a lot more- but the truth is antibiotics do very little for acne. It is the rare individual with acne that has ever obtained a cure with antibiotics.

Do topical antibiotics cure acne?

Actually topical antibiotics are a waste of time and money. They do nothing. You could get the same result by simply washing your face with a soap and water. There are several topical antibiotics, which are given to patients, but all of them fall into the category of rubbish (or JUNK). Less than 1 percent of individuals with acne ever respond to antibiotics. Even this response is neither reproducible nor reliable. Why health care professionals continue to write prescriptions for antibiotics for acne is difficult to explain (perhaps stupidity and/or ignorance about the literature!)

Do oral antibiotics cure acne?

Yes but in a very few patients. Overall, pills are just as bad as the topical gels. The antibiotic pills only work for the acutely inflamed acne characterized by red pustules. It is postulated that the antibiotics kill bacteria that cause redness, pain, and inflammation. However, in reality most individuals have a poor result with antibiotics. It does not matter which antibiotic is used the result is the same- NADA.

Testimonials on cyberspace indicate that effectiveness of antibiotics is worse than a sugar pill. The consumer should know that there are many antibiotics hyped up to cure acne- whenever so many antibiotics are used to cure one skin disorder; it generally means that none of them works.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What causes Acne? part 2

Overall, acne is worse in males compared to females and has been lined to the male sex hormone, testosterone. Testosterone is known to stimulate sweat glands increase production of oil (Sebum) and can also enlarge size of pores. When oil secretion in increased, this leads to plugging of skin pores and eventually to acne.

Acne usually starts after puberty in males. This is believed to be due to increased levels of the hormone testosterone. In females, acne tends to start later. After the surge in testosterone at puberty, the level starts to drop and in most males, acne also disappears. Acne is also more severe in males and females who use anabolic steroids.

Estrogen, the female sex hormone, on the other hand counteracts effects of testosterone and can improve acne. This is one reason why most young females have a smooth, clear, and pretty face, especially in middle of the menstrual cycle. Women who take the birth control pill also never develop acne (they do gain weight, though). Sometimes, for recalcitrant acne, physicians do prescribe a short course of birth control pills. Birth controls pills usually can clear acne in 3-6 weeks.

What causes Acne ?

No one really knows why acne occurs. However, we do know that acne is more common in families with a history of the skin disorder. If you have a parent or sibling with acne, then chances are that you are also likely to develop acne. The actual gene that causes acne has not been identified. Further, even if there is a history of acne in the family, not all siblings develop the skin disorder.

Other factors linked to acne include:

Stress of any type has been linked to acne. Both physical and mental stress can worsen acne. One should note that stress is not a cause of acne

There are hundreds of creams, lotions, and oils that people use to apply on their skin. Many of these synthetic products contain a large variety of chemicals that can irritate skin. For individuals with acne, one should avoid use of such fragrances and oil based products

The role of foods in acne is puzzling. Some experts claim that foods do not cause acne but numerous testimonials indicate that certain foods can at least worsen acne. Foods, which have been known to trigger acne, include chocolate and certain spices. Individuals who notice flare-ups of acne from such foods should avoid them.

For some unknown reason, pregnancy also worsens acne. This is believed to be due to high levels of testosterone and fat in the body.

Individuals who are constantly applying topical steroids on their skin are also prone to more skin irritation and acne.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Acne vulgaris 101 part 2

Myths about Acne

- It is due to environmental dirt, smog or pollution
- It is not related to stress
- It is not related to certain foods
- Gets better with herbs
- Does not require medical treatment
- Is due to deficiency of certain nutrients
- Is due to an inherited skin disorder
- Is best treated with cosmetic surgery
- Is best treated with expensive soaps
- Is best treated with exotic herbs
- Is best treated with colonic hydrotherapy

The majority of myths about acne have arisen because of falsehoods created by people who sell products for acne. Many vendors of anti acne treatment make exorbitant claims about their products. In truth, 99.9% of all acne treatments are garbage. The sad fact is that many health care professionals have also been promoting “sham” or “scam” treatments for acne just to make money.

Causes of Acne

No one knows why acne occurs but there are hundreds of speculations

Does acne run in families?

Yes, in some cases acne tends to be worse if a parent or a sibling has had prior acne. The exact genetic link is not known.

Can emotions affect acne?

Yes, emotions can trigger acne but are not a cause of ace. Individuals who are under moderate mental and physical stress often develop acne during this time period

Can foods cause acne?

This is still a hotly debated topic. Almost every food has at some point in time been linked to acne. Foods that are strongly linked to acne include excess consumption of chocolates and certain spices. Some experts claim there is no relation between foods and acne, but a lot of people who consume chocolates claim otherwise.

Can hormones cause acne?

Most definitely. Men who have excess testosterone or those who take anabolic steroids develop some of the worst acne and oily skin. Testosterone is also present in small amounts in females. Testosterone has been shown to increase size of sweat glands and increase oil production. The oils secreted tend to plug up the sweat pores that eventually results in acne. Males tend to develop acne just after puberty when there is a surge in levels of testosterone.

On the other hand, the female sex hormone, estrogen can improve acne. This is the reason why women tend to get acne at the end of menstrual cycle when hormone levels are low. Further, women who take the oral contraceptive generally have smooth clear skin. There are instances when women are prescribed oral contraceptive to help treat severe acne.

Acne vulgaris 101

The common skin disorder, acne, is also sometimes known as acne vulgaris. Acne is a very common skin problem and affects close to 80% of young teenagers and adolescents. While acne can occur anywhere on the body, it is most common on the face and back. Most people start to develop acne in the 2nd decade of life. Young teenagers notice oily skin and pimples soon after puberty. The early the acne occurs in life, the longer is the course.

Some individuals also identify acne by the terms blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or zits.

Where else can acne occur?

While face is the most common area, acne can also occur on upper arms, neck, front chest, and back. Teenagers all over the globe develop acne during the teenage years. In most individuals, one may develop a few pimples here and there and life goes on. However, in some individuals acne can be an agonizing painful ordeal. It may affect the entire face, with big red blotches. Acne during teenager years can lead to isolation, depression, and withdrawal. It can lead to loss of self-esteem. There is nothing great about acne.

Young women also get acne but the condition is generally less severe than in men. Acne occurs in women just before the onset of the menstrual cycle, when estrogen levels are at the lowest.

Despite the fact that a lot as been written about acne, treatment of acne has been an abysmal failure. Almost all individuals have gone through many products on a trial and error basis. The truth is that majority of products for acne do not work. Many of these creams, lotion, potions, pills, capsules, and herbs are a waste of money. However, in the last decade, there have been a few decent products introduced into the market. The Retinoids do work but not everyone gets the same cosmetic benefit. Why there is so much variability in response to Retinoids is not well understood.