Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why do i have acne: part 3

How does one get rid of acne scars?

If you think acne is a real hassle, then acne scars can be a real pain in the arse.
In the last few years, lasers have been developed which can help reduce acne scars. Lasers are never the first choice for acne and only used after other treatments have been tried out. Most physicians use lasers in combination with drugs to cure the resistant inflammatory acne outbreaks. The results after laser for acne scars are mediocre at best. Most of the time, you end up wasting thousands of dollars and end up with a face which looks a lot worse than what you previously had.

Finally there are a number of chemical peels which are available to treat acne. Glycolic acid is probably the best as it is gentler to the skin. However, chemical peels like laser are an adjunct to medicines for the treatment of acne. Results after chemical peels for acne scars are terrible.

Final point

So in the end, be a wise consumer, read about acne and the available treatments. Do not always stand in a queue for the latest treatment and never fall the pre and post photo routine. The majority of treatments are nothing more than a scam. Medicine is first of all a business and many health professional care more about money than your skin. Always check up the credentials of your provider, ask questions, and if in doubt get a second opinion.

Why do i have acne? part 2

How can I manage acne at home?

For those who develop acne, all oily cosmetics should be avoided. If one does wear cosmetics, they should be water based. The majority of synthetic chemicals have the ability to irritate and make acne worse. Therefore, the fewer cosmetics you wear, the better it is for your skin. Wash your face to rid of the oils and debris. Do not use harsh detergents and soaps on your face. Avoid too much sun. If you find that one particular food aggravates your acne, change your diet. Further, stop picking at your acne; it can cause severe scarring. Lastly, do not look for a cure for acne online- you will only find a lot of disappointments.

So how can I treat severe acne?

The treatment of acne is difficult. Almost everyone has an opinion on how to best treat it. For those who have persistent or inflammatory acne, it is best to seek help from a dermatologist. There are many antibiotics which can help. The latest creams and pills derived from Retinoids and can do wonders for acne. However, one should be reminded that what works for one individual may not work for another.

In the initial phase one may try to apply a topical antibiotic for several weeks and when that fails, one may try a retinoid. The Retinoids come as a cream and also as a pill. Retinoids do work well but can cause skin irritation and photo sensitivity of the skin.

One of the best acne drugs is Accutane, Accutane has been found to be an excellent treatment for acne when used under the guidance of a dermatologist. The drug is relatively safe and the two most common side effects include skin dryness and also the risk of damage to the fetus when taken by a pregnant female. Thus, Accutane is often not prescribed to females of child bearing age. Each female has to discuss this issue with the physician before taking Accutane.

Why do i have Acne? 101

If there is one skin condition that is more depressing than the economy, it has to be acne. Acne is a very common skin disorder and affects millions of individuals. Most individuals develop some degree of acne during their lives. Why acne occurs in some individuals and not in others is a million dollar question. The simple answer is bad luck.

Where does Acne usually develop?

While most people develop acne on the face, it can also occur on the neck, chest, back, and shoulders. Acne is most common after puberty and the adolescent years. Acne is usually mild soon after puberty but in a few cases can develop into real ugly inflamed pimples. In most individuals, acne clears up without much hassle. However, for some unlucky individuals, acne keeps on recurring and can cause permanent scars.

What causes Acne?

No one really knows, but everyone including your grandma has an idea. There are a lot of myths associated with acne. Acne is not caused by dirt, excessive masturbation, bed wetting, eating crap, changes in the environment or personal hygiene. No matter how many times you wash or take good care of your skin, one can still get acne. Acne has no relationship to any type of food that you eat. However, once acne is acquired, there are some spicy and hot foods that can worsen the appearance.

What happens during Acne?

In Acne, the pores that secrete oil get plugged with dead skin and some debris. The excess oil collects in the pores and leads to development of white heads, blackheads or pimples. Sometimes bacteria on the skin start to grow in these oils and cause an inflammatory reaction, thus leading to a red rash which surrounds the pimple.

The exact cause of acne is not known but has been related to excess oily skin, too much male sex hormones, and a lot of bad luck