Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why do i have acne: part 3

How does one get rid of acne scars?

If you think acne is a real hassle, then acne scars can be a real pain in the arse.
In the last few years, lasers have been developed which can help reduce acne scars. Lasers are never the first choice for acne and only used after other treatments have been tried out. Most physicians use lasers in combination with drugs to cure the resistant inflammatory acne outbreaks. The results after laser for acne scars are mediocre at best. Most of the time, you end up wasting thousands of dollars and end up with a face which looks a lot worse than what you previously had.

Finally there are a number of chemical peels which are available to treat acne. Glycolic acid is probably the best as it is gentler to the skin. However, chemical peels like laser are an adjunct to medicines for the treatment of acne. Results after chemical peels for acne scars are terrible.

Final point

So in the end, be a wise consumer, read about acne and the available treatments. Do not always stand in a queue for the latest treatment and never fall the pre and post photo routine. The majority of treatments are nothing more than a scam. Medicine is first of all a business and many health professional care more about money than your skin. Always check up the credentials of your provider, ask questions, and if in doubt get a second opinion.

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