Sunday, May 3, 2009

Acne vulgaris 101

The common skin disorder, acne, is also sometimes known as acne vulgaris. Acne is a very common skin problem and affects close to 80% of young teenagers and adolescents. While acne can occur anywhere on the body, it is most common on the face and back. Most people start to develop acne in the 2nd decade of life. Young teenagers notice oily skin and pimples soon after puberty. The early the acne occurs in life, the longer is the course.

Some individuals also identify acne by the terms blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or zits.

Where else can acne occur?

While face is the most common area, acne can also occur on upper arms, neck, front chest, and back. Teenagers all over the globe develop acne during the teenage years. In most individuals, one may develop a few pimples here and there and life goes on. However, in some individuals acne can be an agonizing painful ordeal. It may affect the entire face, with big red blotches. Acne during teenager years can lead to isolation, depression, and withdrawal. It can lead to loss of self-esteem. There is nothing great about acne.

Young women also get acne but the condition is generally less severe than in men. Acne occurs in women just before the onset of the menstrual cycle, when estrogen levels are at the lowest.

Despite the fact that a lot as been written about acne, treatment of acne has been an abysmal failure. Almost all individuals have gone through many products on a trial and error basis. The truth is that majority of products for acne do not work. Many of these creams, lotion, potions, pills, capsules, and herbs are a waste of money. However, in the last decade, there have been a few decent products introduced into the market. The Retinoids do work but not everyone gets the same cosmetic benefit. Why there is so much variability in response to Retinoids is not well understood.

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