Thursday, May 14, 2009

Can the South Beach diet prevent Acne?

Acne is an agonizing disorder for young adults and teenagers. Why the darn skin disorder occurs in some individuals and not in others is a puzzle. There are a few theories as to why acne occurs but there are hundreds of treatments for acne- and none is ideal. One area that has been debated for many years is whether acne is related to diet. Can a change in diet reverse acne?

At a recent meeting by skin doctors, there was some hint that perhaps the South beach diet may be beneficial to people who have acne. The south beach diet is essentially a low sugar diet that first originated in Florida. In essence, the south beach diet is unlike any western diet and is free of processed foods, cereal grains, dairy products, refined sugars, and saturated oils. The diet is basically entirely unprocessed fresh fruits (those without sugar), vegetables, lean meat, fish and sea food.

In the study presented at the meeting, people with acne who followed this diet revealed that their skin texture and outlook was much improved. The improvements in skin were observed within 3 months. Further, many individuals on this diet mentioned that they had been able to cut down on conventional acne medications because of skin improvement.

1 comment:

  1. In some cases may be diet helps in curing acne but in most of the cases it is not correct.

    skin doctors fl
