Monday, May 4, 2009

What causes Acne? part 2

Overall, acne is worse in males compared to females and has been lined to the male sex hormone, testosterone. Testosterone is known to stimulate sweat glands increase production of oil (Sebum) and can also enlarge size of pores. When oil secretion in increased, this leads to plugging of skin pores and eventually to acne.

Acne usually starts after puberty in males. This is believed to be due to increased levels of the hormone testosterone. In females, acne tends to start later. After the surge in testosterone at puberty, the level starts to drop and in most males, acne also disappears. Acne is also more severe in males and females who use anabolic steroids.

Estrogen, the female sex hormone, on the other hand counteracts effects of testosterone and can improve acne. This is one reason why most young females have a smooth, clear, and pretty face, especially in middle of the menstrual cycle. Women who take the birth control pill also never develop acne (they do gain weight, though). Sometimes, for recalcitrant acne, physicians do prescribe a short course of birth control pills. Birth controls pills usually can clear acne in 3-6 weeks.

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