Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is a good topical treatment for acne?

The problem

There are hundreds of acne treatments available with or without a prescription. No one seems to know what works and what does not. Even the doctors write the same prescription for everyone. The majority of consumers have a bad or negative experience with acne medications and with the people who provide them.

Fact one- almost 99% of everything out on the internet is GARBAGE. The consumer has to understand that acne is big business and the majority of treatments have been taken over by charlatans who offer a new remedy every week. Lots of false promises with no cures. The best advice I can give to all acne sufferers is not to rely on the internet to get your medications or any other product.

Now to the question, is there a decent or excellent topical medication for acne? Yes, there is. The one problem with topical medications is that they do not always work in all individuals and even when they do work, the effects are moderate at best. However, of all the topical medications, Retinoids are the most effective.

Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A and today are the best anti acne medication. Retinoids come as a cream or a pill. All consumers have to know that routine acne care starts at home. Only when acne is recurrent or persistent should one seek treatment.

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