Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lasers and acne scars part 2

Can fractionated lasers be used to treat acne scars?

Yes, there are several fractionated lasers that are used to treat acne scars. Fractionated is another big word meant to impress consumers. Fractionated and non ablative is the same thing. These lasers are generally less intense and do not harm normal skin. Both Fraxel and Affirm are fractionated lasers. These two lasers are non-ablative and can erase or minimize your acne scars. They do not work in everyone with an acne scar, nor do they erase all acne scars. The only advantage of these lasers is that they do not cause damage to normal skin- this results in less side effects and rapid recovery (you also pay a lot more for these lasers)

Where is laser treatment for acne scars done?

Almost all cosmetic procedures are done as outpatients. Acne scar treatment with lasers is an outpatient procedure done at a spa or a clinic. The average time for each session is anywhere from 45-60 minutes. There are no extensive preparations required prior to the procedure.

Who cannot not undergo laser treatment?

Anyone with acute acne, a serious skin infection, those taking blood-thinning medications, those with an outbreak of herpes or individuals with lupus, should avoid laser. Individuals who do take blood-thinning medications should first discuss with their physician if they can safely stop the drug prior to undergoing laser therapy. And do not forget, if you ain't got money, laser is not an option for you. There are no charitable docs when it comes to cosmetics- money is the name of the game.

Can an individual with a suntan undergo laser?

No, after a suntan one must wait 4-6 weeks before undergoing laser. If laser is done on skin which is tanned, severe, darkening of skin can occur- this darkening can be permanent.

Is laser painful?

To get the facts right- laser hurts like hell. Laser is a beam of intense light that generates heat. It is like being burnt with a lighted cigarette. If you have never had the experience – trust me it is painful. The only consolation is that pain lasts a few seconds but is repeated many times over. To ease pain, the physician will numb the skin with a topical anesthetic or a cold ice pack. Some of the latest lasers come with a cooling tip that minimize the pain- but rest assured, you are not going to come out of that office feeling great. To minimize pain, some physicians recommend that patients take a couple of Tylenol, Motrin or Advil- most of these pills do diddlysquat.

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