Monday, April 27, 2009

Microdermabrasion and Acne Scars Part 3

Are there any needles involved?

No microdermabrasion is done without use of any type of anesthesia and there are no needles. The treatment is painless. In fact one can read a book while the treatment is being performed. In most cases, the treatment can be accomplished in 15-30 minutes.

Is there any downtime after the procedure?

One of the great things about microdermabrasion is that there is no downtime because it does not do anything (Is there any downtime after using a vibrator asides from being satisfied?)

At most, some individual will develop redness after Microdermabrasion. Same thing if you harshly dried your skin with a towel.

Are there any complications after Microdermabrasion?

Are there any complications after use of a vibrator? No, not unless you swallow the damn machine or lose it in your body orifices. Microdermabrasion does absolutely nothing. The most common complication reported is that it fails to live up to expectations.

Does Microdermabrasion erase Acne scars?

This is a difficult question to answer. One has to be realistic about the procedure. Microdermabrasion is only used to polish the skin and make you feel good for 10-20 minutes. It does not reverse or erase any fine lines, wrinkles, scars, or skin pigmentation. The majority of people who have undergone this therapy claim it is a scam. There is not a single testimonial on cyberspace that is positive about Microdermabrasion.

All the hyped up marketing by doctors about Microdermabrasion opening pores and cleaning skin is just BS.

When does one see benefits after Microdermabrasion?

Never, the only thing that occurs is that the skin looks polished for a few hours. The next day you have the same skin. The only benefit of Microdermabrasion is that it helps the doctors pay off their Mercedes a lot faster. You will never have a radiant, younger acne free looking skin with Microdermabrasion

Who should not undergo Microdermabrasion treatments?

Anyone with common sense or anyone who can read testimonials on cyberspace should not undergo this treatment. Those individuals who have active acne, open sores, ulcers, psoriasis, those with Rosacea, individuals who are still using Accutane or have any type of collagen vascular disorder like lupus are not candidates for this therapy.

Even if you have money to throw away, this is the least deserving therapy

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