Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Is the new ReShape balloon for weight loss available?

Yes Reshape the balloon for weight loss has just been approved by the FDA. The balloon has a dual shape and the reason for this is to prevent slippage into the intestine. The Reshape balloon is placed in the stomach during an endoscopic procedure. The doctor uses a flexible scope to place the balloon and then inflates it with about 500 cc of saline. Once the balloon is inflated, it makes you feel full and you no longer feel hungry. The procedure requires mild sedation and is done as an outpatient. So does it work? 

In one small trial, after 3, 6 and 12 months, people who had the balloon did have weight loss. However, you also have to remember that the study was sponsored by the makers of the balloon.  The study was not randomized nor was it blind. The person who performed the study received money from the manufacturer of the device- so that alone should be an indicator that results may be fudged.

Adverse effects during this study included constant abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting. A few patients required early removal of the balloon. The cost of the balloon procedure is about $15,000 and add in another $5,000 for miscellaneous expenses. So should you go for the Reshape balloon to lose weight?

If you have money and are too lazy to walk, sure, you can go ahead. If you have money and have common sense, I do not recommend it. Similar balloon treatments for weight loss have come and gone without much success. The lap band was a similar procedure but failed miserably. Plus, there is always a risk of serious complication like the balloon moving into the intestine and that means having a formal surgery procedure to remove it.

My advice has always been the same for people who want to lose weight –walk more, eat less and you will have the same result. Walking is usually without any complications (unless you are texting and get hit by a car) and it is free.

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