Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dermabrasion & Acne scars- Part 4

Can all acne scars be reversed with dermabrasion?

Unfortunately no. Dermabrasion does not work in all individuals with acne scars nor does it remove all scars. Deep acne scars usually require much more aggressive treatments, like laser or surgery. Overall, less than 10%-20% of individuals have a satisfactory result. Even though dermabrasion is hyped up as a great treatment, most individuals are disappointed with the results. The choice is ugly looking acne scars, or skin that has been grinded down by the cosmetic physician. Dermabrasion often works best for small acne scars that are fresh and not to deep

Who performs the actual procedure?

You can rest assured that if you are not Ms M Obama or Madonna, a technician is going to perform the procedure. The doctor only does this procedure for VIPs- most times they are too busy running 10 other clinics trying to make more money.

What are alternative treatments for acne scars?

When dermabrasion fails, other options include use of dermal fillers like collagen, hyaluronic acid, or fat. These procedures can improve depressed scars and also be combined with dermabrasion. Today, laser is being hyped up as a treatment for acne scars (See next report)

What is cost of dermabrasion for acne scars?

The average cost for dermabrasion is anywhere from $2,000-$5,000 and there are no refunds if the treatment does not work.

Does it always work?

Unfortunately, even in the best of hands only 10%-20% of individuals have a decent result. The rest have a poor or a worse result.

Final point

There is no perfect method to treat acne scars. Dermabrasion is just one another treatment for acne scars. Do not believe for a second that any doctor can easily cure acne scars. In some cases, dermabrasion does help fade acne scars and the treatments are expensive. So before you jump in a queue- ask questions, get referrals, many health care professionals who treat acne scars are hopeless/clueless, other make false promises and only want your money. Read about what is involved, the costs, refunds, guarantee and get everything in writing. Ask the physician if he or she is board certified and check credentials.

Always get a second opinion. Times are tough and the last thing you want to do is spend your money on a worthless therapy and end up with a skin that is worse looking than what you started out with-good luck

Dermabrasion & Acne scars- Part 3

What preparations are required prior to dermabrasion for acne scars?

There are no extensive preparations required prior to dermabrasion. At the initial consult, the dermatologist will hopefully discuss all the positive and negative aspects of treatment. Never get treatment from any physician who does not explain the procedure.

Who should not undergo dermabrasion?

Individuals who have an acute skin infection, uncontrolled diabetes or those who take a blood thinner should not immediately undergo dermabrasion. Because dermabrasion can frequently activate herpes virus, individuals who have had a prior attack of this virus should start on acyclovir before the procedure
Other individuals who should avoid dermabrasion are those with collagen vascular disease like lupus or scleroderma

What happens after dermabrasion?

After the procedure, all individuals develop skin that looks as if one has had an intense sunburn. The skin appears raw, red, bloody and is associated with pain. In most cases, the pain is easily controlled with over the counter pain medications but sometimes prescription pain medications are required. Special dressings and antibiotic ointments are applied on a daily basis. Healing starts to occur after 7-10 days. The initial skin is pink but then starts to change into a normal color. The normal skin color finally occurs at about 6-8 weeks. Individuals who like to go out soon after dermabrasion can cover the pink skin with a camouflage make-up.
It is extremely important for all individuals to avoid sun exposure after dermabrasion. Sun can cause intense darkening of skin that is often irreversible. A sunscreen is a must.

Are there complications after dermabrasion?

any time you grind someone’s face with sand paper, complications can happen. The most common complications after dermabrasion include:

- Excessive skin darkening. This is a common
complication in light-skinned individuals.
The skin darkening can be decreased by
bleaching agents
- Excessive skin lightening. This is a common
complication in dark skin individuals. this
complication is often permanent
- formation of scars or keloid. Keloid or scars
are very difficult to treat; scars and keloids
are common in individuals with dark skin.
- The most common complication is that the
treatment fails to heal acne scar or makes
it worse (this is a fact which no doctors mention)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dermabrasion & Acne scars- Part 2

How many sessions are required?

Almost everyone requires 4-6 sessions depending on type of acne scar, skin, and response.

How is dermabrasion performed?

The procedure involves use of a device that rotates (just like a sand paper device). The device rotates fast and removes top layer of skin. The treatment does hurt or sting and thus, the physician will apply a cold ice pack or a topical local anesthetic on skin 20 minutes before the procedure. Once your face is clean and dry, the high-speed rotating device is held close to the skin. The spinning action removes all uneven skin imperfections and irregularities. After dermabrasion is completed, a topical antibiotic is applied and the area is covered with a moist dressing.

What happens after the procedure?

Immediately after Dermabrasion, the skin appears as if you have had moderate or intense sunburn. The skin may look raw, blistered, swollen, bruised, and very red. There definitely is pain after the procedure that may vary from mild to moderate. However, pain is easily controlled with over the counter pain medications. For the next few days, one may need to change the dressings once or twice a day. Daily application of an antibiotic ointment is also recommended

When does one see results after dermabrasion?

The results are never immediate. In most individuals, the early results are seen after 10-18 days. During the first few days after the procedure, skin will appear raw and pink. The pink skin is then slowly replaced by fresh new skin over the next 6-12 weeks. The pink or red skin can be hidden with use of camouflage or make-up creams.

It is vital that one avoid sun exposure after dermabrasion. If one goes out, a sunscreen is a must. Exposure to sun can cause intense darkening of skin, that can be irreversible

Dermabrasion & Acne scars- Part 1

Today, individuals who have acne scars have several treatment options, none of them great. The type of treatment generally depends on type of scar, skin type and how much you want to spend. One of the available and affordable treatments for acne scars is dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is basically a procedure which “sands” your skin. The dermabrasion device rotates at high speeds and shaves off the very superficial skin layers, thus removing all dead skin and debris. When the process is repeated many times, the area is eventually replaced with smooth, fresh, and younger looking skin (at least this is what it says in the books).

All consumers should not fall into the trap of looking at pre and post photos about patients. Medicine like cyberspace is an illusion- everything can look real but in fact there are a lot of false promises. This is more true of cosmetic practice than any other discipline in all of medicine

Dermabrasion should not be confused with Microdermabrasion that is a much gentler skin polish, is expensive, and does absolutely nothing for acne scars (or for that matter any skin disorder). Dermabrasion is not a one shot deal, requires time to perform, is also expensive, hurts and there are several days of downtime.

Where is dermabrasion done?

Dermabrasion is a clinic/spa based procedure and does not require use of any general anesthesia. The procedure does not entail use of needles and it is not extremely painful but does sting.

Who can undergo dermabrasion?

Anyone with acne scars can undergo dermabrasion but one also has to be realistic. Even though dermabrasion has been around for more than 20 years, the results are not always great. There are countless testimonials on the negative aspect of this treatment, but for individuals with acne scars, there is sometimes little choice. Dermabrasion only produces decent results in soft superficial scars.

The results after dermabrasion are not immediate. Most individuals require several treatments and one NEVER ever regains the soft, smooth, young, looking skin. Dermabrasion does make an improvement in skin but the results are variable, not reproducible and can also make your skin condition worse in some cases (hard facts which no one ever tells you)

Microdermabrasion and Acne Scars Part 4

What is the cost of Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is strictly considered to be a cosmetic procedure. It is not covered by Medicare or any other health insurance plan. The cost of a single session of treatment may range anywhere from $40-$75.

How many sessions does one require?

The results of Microdermabrasion usually last a few hours. To maintain the cosmetic benefit, one needs to have future treatments. In general, one may require 10-20 treatments a year. For those individuals who are skeptical about my review, go and get one treatment to determine what it actually does. Never enroll for multiple sessions. Doctors never refund money even when treatments do not work

Who does Microdermabrasion?

The procedure today is performed by a number of health care professions. There are also many non health care professionals who perform Microdermabrasion. For your safety and decent results, it is best to seek a health care professional who is trained in the use of these devices. While complications are rare, they can occur. Remember acne scars can be very disfiguring- the last thing you want is to select a corner store for a cheap price and then end up with a worse result.

Final point

Please consumers, read about any procedure that you are going to undertake. Do not fall for the marketing hype in cosmetic medicine. There are charlatans out in the field of cosmetics who can shame Bernie Madoff. Spend your money wisely, ask questions, get referrals, and always read testimonials on cyberspace. There are a few good treatments in cosmetic medicine; unfortunately, Microdermabrasion is not one of them.

Microdermabrasion and Acne Scars Part 3

Are there any needles involved?

No microdermabrasion is done without use of any type of anesthesia and there are no needles. The treatment is painless. In fact one can read a book while the treatment is being performed. In most cases, the treatment can be accomplished in 15-30 minutes.

Is there any downtime after the procedure?

One of the great things about microdermabrasion is that there is no downtime because it does not do anything (Is there any downtime after using a vibrator asides from being satisfied?)

At most, some individual will develop redness after Microdermabrasion. Same thing if you harshly dried your skin with a towel.

Are there any complications after Microdermabrasion?

Are there any complications after use of a vibrator? No, not unless you swallow the damn machine or lose it in your body orifices. Microdermabrasion does absolutely nothing. The most common complication reported is that it fails to live up to expectations.

Does Microdermabrasion erase Acne scars?

This is a difficult question to answer. One has to be realistic about the procedure. Microdermabrasion is only used to polish the skin and make you feel good for 10-20 minutes. It does not reverse or erase any fine lines, wrinkles, scars, or skin pigmentation. The majority of people who have undergone this therapy claim it is a scam. There is not a single testimonial on cyberspace that is positive about Microdermabrasion.

All the hyped up marketing by doctors about Microdermabrasion opening pores and cleaning skin is just BS.

When does one see benefits after Microdermabrasion?

Never, the only thing that occurs is that the skin looks polished for a few hours. The next day you have the same skin. The only benefit of Microdermabrasion is that it helps the doctors pay off their Mercedes a lot faster. You will never have a radiant, younger acne free looking skin with Microdermabrasion

Who should not undergo Microdermabrasion treatments?

Anyone with common sense or anyone who can read testimonials on cyberspace should not undergo this treatment. Those individuals who have active acne, open sores, ulcers, psoriasis, those with Rosacea, individuals who are still using Accutane or have any type of collagen vascular disorder like lupus are not candidates for this therapy.

Even if you have money to throw away, this is the least deserving therapy

Microdermabrasion and Acne Scars Part 2

What other skin disorders can be treated with Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is garbage. It cannot treat any skin disorder. It is not a treatment for aging, wrinkles, fine lines, or skin discoloration. Even if you have money to burn or throw away, Microdermabrasion is not worthy of that.

How does Microdermabrasion work?

There is a lot of hype made about Microdermabrasion, how it works, and what it can do. Providers of this treatment claim that the spinning actions of crystals can remove dead skin, oil, and debris in a very gentle manner. The facts are that that men & women have been using electric razors for decades and Microdermabrasion is not much different. Electric razors do not cure acne or acne scars; nor does Microdermabrasion. Anyone who believes that using an electric razor-like device can cure acne/acne scars is STUPID and deserves to be called a sucker.

Where is Microdermabrasion treatment done?

Microdermabrasion treatments are done all over the place. Doctors, nurses, therapists, technicians, Filipinos, manicurists, pedicurists, dentists and anyone else who love money is now offering Microdermabrasion treatment. Every spa or a salon has this treatment. It is simply a machine that looks like a vacuum cleaner. There is no magic about it; there are no injections, no anesthesia, no preparations, and it takes less than 20-minutes to perform. Of course, all these people have an accounting degree or an MBA in finance and are up to date on the latest methods of scamming consumers.

The procedure is often done during lunchtime not because it is fast, but because it does nothing and so you will have no side effects from it.

What is involved during the actual procedure?

Well, you will be treated well. Once your face is rinsed and dried the device is held next to your face and turned on. The feeling is similar to a vibrator used anywhere on the body. Just like a vibrator, Microdermabrasion makes a sound. There is no pain. The spinning action of crystals is limited to the very superficial layers of skin. When a vibrators is used on the body, it does not reverse aging or erase acne scars- similarly, all Microdermabrasion devices vibrate and do nothing. You could even substitute one device for another and still not tell the difference.

Microdermabrasion and Acne scars

Acne scars are extremely unpleasant and are very difficult to treat. Despite all the novel treatments and weekly hyped up statements made by health care workers, nothing seems to work well for acne scars. Over the past 20 years, many treatments have come and gone for acne scars and the latest is Microdermabrasion. There is a lot written about Microdermabrasion and how great it is. All cosmetic physicians and surgeons make it sound like Microdermabrasion is a cure for every type of skin disorder, including acne scars. There are hundreds of pre and post photos of individuals who have undergone Microdermabrasion- each post treatment photo showing beautiful young skin. So the question everyone with acne wants to know, “is Microdermabrasion a great treatment for Acne Scars?”

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a simple technique that uses a small hand held device that basically polishes the skin. The small device is held close to the skin. Inside the device are some small tiny crystals that spin at high speed. The spinning action of crystals removes the dirt and dead skin cells. Many new devices also have a vacuum attached which suctions off all the debris. The treatment is gentle, does not hurt at all, and can be done within 10-20 minutes.

Can Microdermabrasion erase acne scars?

If you speak to the doctors, each and everyone will say it is a great treatment. In reality, Microdermabrasion is probably the biggest scam in all of cosmetic surgery. It does absolutely nothing. Not only will you waste your time but you will also spend a lot of your hard-earned money on a worth less treatment. There is not a single person in this universe that has ever benefited from this rubbish treatment. Microdermabrasion is only a polish for skin. You can use a vibrator to do the same thing.

Acne scars are deep and need more intense treatments. Microdermabrasion is not a treatment for acne scars and anyone who makes such a claim is an outright FRAUD. You can polish your skin for the next 100 years; the only thing you will ever erase is your bank balance. The polish will make your skin look fresh and young for 2 hours, but that is all you will ever achieve.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is a good topical treatment for acne? Part 2

Retinoids have been around for many years and are infinitely better than any antibiotic or herbal product. One has the best chance of a cure with a retinoid. Retinoids act by decreasing oil on skin and also help remove dead skin and debris. This helps unplug the pores and prevent pimples. Retinoids also prevent the acne from spreading and reduces the redness.

Before one gets a pill (Accutane), it is best to try a topical retinoid ointment. The topical Retinoids are also much cheaper than the pill. Your physician may be unwilling to give you a retinoid pill but one can ask for a topical retinoid. In general, Retinoids are reserved with severe and recurrent acne.

Most physicians will use a retinoid when all other medications have failed. The topical retinoid creams do require a prescription. The drugs are effective but one always has to be aware of the side effects.

Tretinoin: For decades, Tretinoin (Accutane) was the only available topical medication for acne. Even as a single agent, Accutane is fairly effective for mild to moderate acne. Today, Tretinoin is available in various formulations such as a gel, cream or a liquid. The liquid formulation works best for acne. The liquid should be applied 2-3 times/day after washing the face. Retinoids act like skin peelers and side effects of the drug include dryness, redness, and peeling of skin. Some individuals also develop a mild irritation to the drug.

The skin irritation is fairly obvious and is usually associated with higher strength cream. The other fact about Tretinoin is that after application, one should avoid the sun. Retinoids can cause photosensitivity- meaning that the skin becomes very sensitive to sun and one can easily develop a severe sunburn like effect. Thus, a sunscreen is highly recommended after application of Tretinoin.

Always start with low concentration of Tretinoin. If irritation does occur, it will generally improve with time. The dryness of skin and redness is common initially and usually subsides over the next several days. One can also use a small amount of skin moisturizer to decrease skin peeling and dryness.

Retinoids do tend to work on at least 50%-70% of individuals. This number is better than all other drugs combined. In most cases, several weeks of application of the cream will do the trick. The great thing about Retinoids is that when used for long periods, they can also erase signs of photo-aging, fine lines and solar pigmentations.

When the topical Retinoids fails, one may want to try the pill, which is many times more effective.

What is a good topical treatment for acne?

The problem

There are hundreds of acne treatments available with or without a prescription. No one seems to know what works and what does not. Even the doctors write the same prescription for everyone. The majority of consumers have a bad or negative experience with acne medications and with the people who provide them.

Fact one- almost 99% of everything out on the internet is GARBAGE. The consumer has to understand that acne is big business and the majority of treatments have been taken over by charlatans who offer a new remedy every week. Lots of false promises with no cures. The best advice I can give to all acne sufferers is not to rely on the internet to get your medications or any other product.

Now to the question, is there a decent or excellent topical medication for acne? Yes, there is. The one problem with topical medications is that they do not always work in all individuals and even when they do work, the effects are moderate at best. However, of all the topical medications, Retinoids are the most effective.

Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A and today are the best anti acne medication. Retinoids come as a cream or a pill. All consumers have to know that routine acne care starts at home. Only when acne is recurrent or persistent should one seek treatment.

Lasers and acne scars part 4

Are there any complications with laser?

Sure, just browse online and read the testimonials. Plenty of complications have been reported with the laser. Laser is like heat and when you play with heat, you can get burnt. The most common complications with a laser includes skin discoloration (which can be permanent), scarring, infections or the laser may not even work (there are no refunds even if you paid $10K). Scarring and keloid formation appears to be more common in Orientals and dark skinned individuals

Is the acne laser treatment covered by Medicare?

Unfortunately, all acne scars treatments are considered cosmetic and not covered by Medicare or any other health insurance plan.

What is cost of laser treatment for acne scars?

Laser is extremely expensive. One of the reasons why all the cosmetic surgeons drive fancy cars is that they charge a heck of a lot for this treatment. The costs are quite variable and depend on severity of your acne, expertise of physician and which part of the country you live in. Laser treatments for acne usually start at $1,000 and can go up as high as $7,000-$10,000. However, do not worry; all these doctors will be nice enough to arrange a payment plan for you with their own bank.

The only way to know what your treatment will cost is to go and see a physician who specializes in acne scar treatment.

Final note:

Lasers do not work in everyone with an acne scar and the results are not permanent. Not everyone gets the same result and there are many people who are disappointed. Anecdotal reports indicate that satisfaction with laser is very poor. There are many people performing laser treatments for acne scars and complications are common. So choose your practitioner well, ask questions, read about the procedure, never rush, and if in doubt get a second opinion. If you are lucky, than perhaps laser will get rid of your scar.

Lasers and acne scars part 3

What is recovery time after laser treatment?

If you just have one tiny acne scar, there is no down time. However, if you have the entire face zapped with laser, you will need some time off. The skin does tend to become red, swollen, and bruised after laser. These transient side effects usually resolve in a few days.

Any precautions after laser?

Yes, avoid the sun. If you go out, wear a sunscreen and protective garments. Intense sun exposure can cause permanent darkening of skin treated with laser

How long before one can see results after laser treatment?

Sometimes never. Laser does not work immediately nor does it work in everyone. The tissue changes and remodeling induced by laser do not manifest on the outside skin for 2-3 months. Most individuals see some changes in skin at around 8-10 weeks. If the laser has not worked at the end of 2-3 months, it is unlikely to work at all.

How long between each laser session?

To get the maximum benefit from laser, everyone is recommended to undergo multiple sessions. You can rest assured, you will never walk out of a cosmetic surgeon’s office with just one appointment. Each session is spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Can laser treatment be performed if one is taking Accutane?

Definitely not recommended. Most physicians will recommend that the individual wait anywhere from 6-9 months after stopping accutane. The reason is that accutane and laser do not go well together. Individuals who take accutane can have severe skin burning and discoloration if laser is used prematurely

Lasers and acne scars part 2

Can fractionated lasers be used to treat acne scars?

Yes, there are several fractionated lasers that are used to treat acne scars. Fractionated is another big word meant to impress consumers. Fractionated and non ablative is the same thing. These lasers are generally less intense and do not harm normal skin. Both Fraxel and Affirm are fractionated lasers. These two lasers are non-ablative and can erase or minimize your acne scars. They do not work in everyone with an acne scar, nor do they erase all acne scars. The only advantage of these lasers is that they do not cause damage to normal skin- this results in less side effects and rapid recovery (you also pay a lot more for these lasers)

Where is laser treatment for acne scars done?

Almost all cosmetic procedures are done as outpatients. Acne scar treatment with lasers is an outpatient procedure done at a spa or a clinic. The average time for each session is anywhere from 45-60 minutes. There are no extensive preparations required prior to the procedure.

Who cannot not undergo laser treatment?

Anyone with acute acne, a serious skin infection, those taking blood-thinning medications, those with an outbreak of herpes or individuals with lupus, should avoid laser. Individuals who do take blood-thinning medications should first discuss with their physician if they can safely stop the drug prior to undergoing laser therapy. And do not forget, if you ain't got money, laser is not an option for you. There are no charitable docs when it comes to cosmetics- money is the name of the game.

Can an individual with a suntan undergo laser?

No, after a suntan one must wait 4-6 weeks before undergoing laser. If laser is done on skin which is tanned, severe, darkening of skin can occur- this darkening can be permanent.

Is laser painful?

To get the facts right- laser hurts like hell. Laser is a beam of intense light that generates heat. It is like being burnt with a lighted cigarette. If you have never had the experience – trust me it is painful. The only consolation is that pain lasts a few seconds but is repeated many times over. To ease pain, the physician will numb the skin with a topical anesthetic or a cold ice pack. Some of the latest lasers come with a cooling tip that minimize the pain- but rest assured, you are not going to come out of that office feeling great. To minimize pain, some physicians recommend that patients take a couple of Tylenol, Motrin or Advil- most of these pills do diddlysquat.

Lasers and acne scars

Before one plans to have treatment for an acne scar, the acute phase of acne must be treated. Lasers work best on a well-healed scar. If an acne scar is prematurely treated with laser, it can worsen the scar and cause serious discoloration of skin

What type of laser is used to treat acne scars?

Every single day there is a new laser, which is hyped up to be better than the ones used previously. All this tells the consumer is that there is no perfect laser. There are some lasers that cause less damage to surrounding tissue and thus limit the side effects. However, no matter what type of laser is used, there is always a risk of skin discoloration, worsening of scar or failure of laser to work. The most common complication of lasers used to treat acne scars is that the laser frequently fails to give the desired result.

What are non-ablative lasers?

All “non-ablative” means is that the laser is gentler to your skin. The laser beam is more focused and only affects damaged tissue- this is simply a theoretical point of view. Does anyone really believe that a laser beam knows what is normal and abnormal skin tissue? If you pour hot coffee on your hand, will the coffee only affect a certain part of your skin? Hope no one believes this BS jargon. Laser generates heat and this heat can damage both normal and abnormal tissue.

What is the big deal with non ablative?

Just the jargon used by doctors. The non-ablative lasers are non-destructive meaning that they do not cause much damage to normal tissues. Non-ablative is a big word in cosmetic surgery. Some of these lasers are less intense and will not even cause redness of skin from heat. One such non-ablative laser is the pulsed dye laser. It can remove reddish marks from the skin. Since many acne scars are red, the pulse dye laser can help improve the skin quality- in terms of both color and texture.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Acne Scarring 101 part 2

Acne scars do not only occur on face but also on neck, upper arms, shoulders, and chest. It is difficult to know who will develop acne scars. In many cases, acne scars develop and generally resolve spontaneously.

There is one observation about acne scars, - individuals who develop the inflammatory type acne, those who muck around with mechanical devices to squeeze the pimples or those use harsh chemicals are prone to scars.

The only good things about acne scars is that unlike the past, we do know more about it today and there arse also some good treatments.. Fact one- there is no ideal treatment for acne and fact 2, no presently available treatment works in everyone. All the available treatments work to some degree but you will never get your beautiful, smooth, soft skin back. There are a lot of physicians and health care workers who hype up lasers and dermal fillers as great treatment for acne. Sure, these treatments work but only in some individuals and not everyone gets the desired result. Some cosmetic physicians do have a tendency to exaggerate things (some call it lying), just like car mechanics.

For all individuals with acne scars, there are some decent treatments available that can help improve aesthetics of your face, the most difficult part is finding a physician who excels at these treatments. Treatment of acne scars requires an excellent physician who knows what is going on and is truly interested in helping your skin then filling his/her pockets with your heard earned money.

So before you go rushing for the latest laser treatment, talk to people, get referrals, read about the disorder, ask questions and above all choose your provider well. Acne treatment is not a cheap undertaking. The amount of money you will pay for acne scar treatments is just about the same as putting a down payment on a decent car/house. Times are tough today- be wise and go slow. If ever in doubt, get a second opinion.

Acne Scarring 101

Acne is a very upsetting skin disorder but what is worse is the development of acne scars. Many individuals develop acne and then it disappears without any hassles. However, a number of other individuals (the unlucky ones) develop acne and it leaves the face with ugly scars. Why one person develops acne scars and others do not know is not fully understood. Acne scars are never nice and can severely compromise beauty of the face.

Whenever injury occurs to the skin, the body attempts to repair the damage. The healing process goes quite smooth in most cases, but often the body does crazy things and scars develop. Whenever the balance between healing and repair is altered, acne scars occur. In general, scars occur because of too much healing by the body.

African Americans and individuals with dark skin often develop evidence of exaggerated healing by forming keloids. This same principle applies to acne.

There are two basic types of acne scars- in some cases the skin is thick and raised like a keloid and in others, the scar is depressed and looks like an ice pick. Individuals with acne generally develop one of these scars. Acne scars are most common in Orientals, Asians African Americans and individual with dark skin. However, even those with fair skin can develop acne scars.

Analysis of acne scars has shown that in most cases it is excessive deposition of a certain tissue that causes scars. This is fibrous tissue. That is why acne scars appear hard, woody and rough- typical characteristics of fibrous tissue. The fibrous tissue is often quite deep and very difficult to treat. For any acne scar treatment to work, it must be able to penetrate deep in the tissues and get rid of fibrous tissue.